Yuma Regional Medical Center
Foothills Pharmacy
Yuma, AZ 85367 928-459-6720
Located on the first floor of Foothills Medical Plaza, Foothills Pharmacy is a full-service retail pharmacy offering personalized support for all your medication needs. We provide quick, convenient service both in-store and with our drive-through. Our pharmacist and staff understand your challenges, are here to answer your questions and work closely with your care team. Patients leave our pharmacy with the medications and supplies they need to recover fully. In addition, we carry a variety of convenience and gift items along with over-the-counter medicine. We serve our patients and the general public.
All major insurance plans, flexible spending, credit cards and debit cards are accepted.
Foothills Pharmacy has many options to help reduce the cost of your prescriptions. We offer a Prescription Savings Card with a list of $4 and $10 medications. In addition, our staff can help research any vouchers/prescriptions that may be available to reduce your medication cost.